Wu Martial Arts Association
世界之星中華武術錦標賽 WSCMAC

9777 Harwin Dr #509
Houston, TX 77036
宏武協會創立於 1985 年,屬於非營利機構,活動不涉及政治、宗教,宏武 協會宗旨為發揚中華傳統武術文化,藉由講座、武術研討會與國術觀摩等教 學方式,提供各族裔習武之人交流切磋的互動平台,幫助海外華洋子弟了解 中華武術博大精深,在海外竭力推廣中華武術。
為了讓更多人練武之人有一展身手的園地,宏武協會於2021年7月23日至25日在休士頓Marriott Westchase Hotel主辦『世界之星中國武術錦標賽』,以玆鼓勵青年子弟崇尚武德,以武會友。自2014年, 宏武協會開始提供“武術獎學金”, 以獎勵學子對學武的毅力與堅持, 於6月29日頒發第一屆獎學金, 2015年7月5日頒發第二屆獎學金。
太極劍起勢 | 三環套月 | 大𣁽星 | 燕子抄水 |
左右攔掃 | 小𣁽星 | 燕子入巢 | 靈貓捕鼠 |
蜻蜓點水 | 黃蜂入洞 | 鳳凰雙展翅 | 左旋風 |
小𣁽星 | 右旋風 | 等魚式 | 撥草尋蛇 |
懷中抱月 | 宿鳥投林 | 烏龍擺尾 | 風捲荷葉 |
獅子搖頭 | 虎抱頭 | 野馬跳澗 | 翻身勒馬 |
上步指南針 | 迎風拂麈 | 順水推舟 | 流星趕月 |
天馬行空 | 挑簾式 | 左右車輪劍 | 大鵬單展翅 |
海底撈月 | 懷中抱月 | 夜义探海 | 犀牛望月 |
射燕式 | 白猿獻果 | 鳳凰雙展翅 | 左右跨攔 |
射雁式 | 白猿獻果 | 左右落花 | 玉女穿梭 |
白虎搖尾 | 虎抱頭 | 鲤魚跳龍門 | 烏龍絞柱 |
仙人指路 | 風掃梅花 | 虎抱頭 | 指南針 |
抱劍歸原 |
Eight Steps are
1. Preparation and Opening | 2. Three Rings Circle the Moon | 3. Big Dipper | 4. Swallow Skims Across the Water |
5. Block and Sweep to the Left and Right | 6. Little Star of the Big Dipper | 7. Swallow Enters the Nest | 8. Agile Cat Catches the Rat |
9. Dragonfly Touches the Water | 10. Bee Enters the Hive | 11. Phoenix Spreads its Wings | 12. Whirlwind Moves to the Left |
13. Little Star of the Big Dipper | 14. Whirlwind Moves to the Right | 15. Waiting for the Fish | 16. Parting the Grass Looking for Snakes |
17. Holding the Moon | 18. Bird Flies into the Forest | 19. Black Dragon Whips His Tail | 20. Wind Blows the Lotus Leaves |
21. Lion Shakes His Hea | 22. Tigress Holds Her Hea | 23. Wild Horse Jumps Over the Cree | 24. Rein in the Stalli |
25. Step Up Compass Needle | 26. Shaking the Duster in the Wind | 27. Push the Boat with the Current | 28. Comet Flies by the Moon |
29. Heavenly Horse Gallops across the Sky | 30. Roll Up the Screen | 31. Cart—Wheel Sword to the Left and Right | 32. Great Peng Spreads Its Wings |
33. Scoop Up the Moon from the Bottom of the Sea | 34. Holding the Moon | 35. Night Demons Explore the Sea | 36. Rhinoceros Gazes at the Moon |
37. Shoot the Wild Goose | 38. White Ape Offers the Fruit | 39. Phoenix Spreads Its Wings | 40. Straddle and Cross Block to the Left and Right |
41. Shoot the Wild Goose | 42. White Ape Offers the Fruit | 43. Flowers Fall to the Left and Right | 44. Fair Lady Weaves with the Shuttle |
45. White Tiger Swings Its Tail | 46. Tigress Holds Her Head | 47. Carp Jumps Through the Dragon Gat | 48. Black Dragon Coils Around the Jady Pillar |
49. Immortal Points the Way | 50. Wind Sweeps the Plum Blossoms | 53. Tigress Holds Her Head | 54. Presenting the Tablet |
55. Transfer the Sword and Return to the Original Stance |