10th "Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship" Awards Ceremony on April 23rd 2023 At the Westchase Marriott.
第十屆「宏武傑出青年獎學金」頒獎典禮於2023年4月23日在 Westchase Marriott 舉辦.
2023 Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship recipients:
2023 宏武傑出青年獎學金得獎者:
Jean Hoang
Haotian Tan
each received $1,000.00.

9th "Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship" Awards Ceremony on April 3rd 2022 At the Westchase Marriott.
第九屆「宏武傑出青年獎學金」頒獎典禮於2022年4月3日在 Westchase Marriott 舉辦.
2022 Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship recipients:
2022 宏武傑出青年獎學金得獎者:
Cara Zhuang
Alex Xu
Honorary Mentions
Pearl Zhang
Katelyn Phung
Elina Meng
each received $1,000.00.

8th "Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship" Awards Ceremony on July 25th 2021 At the Westchase Marriott.
第八屆「宏武傑出青年獎學金」頒獎典禮於2021年7月25日在 Westchase Marriott 舉辦.
2021 Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship recipients:
2021 宏武傑出青年獎學金得獎者:
Zachary Briones
each received $1,000.00.
7th "Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship" Awards Ceremony on August 2nd 2020 At the Westchase Marriott.
第七屆「宏武傑出青年獎學金」頒獎典禮於2020年8月2日在 Westchase Marriott 舉辦.
2020 Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship recipients:
2020 宏武傑出青年獎學金得獎者:
Lauren Briones
Samantha Gould
Karen Tseng
each received $1,000.00.
6th "Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship" Awards Ceremony on April 28th 2019 At the Westchase Marriott.
第六屆「宏武傑出青年獎學金」頒獎典禮於2019年4月28日在 Westchase Marriott 舉辦.
2019 Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship recipients:
2019 宏武傑出青年獎學金得獎者:
Lucy Haigan
Jonanthan Maxwell
each received $1,000.00.

5th "Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship" Awards Ceremony on April 7, 2018 At the Westchase Marriott, a total of 2 students, Kelly Tseng and Sara Tin-U, were awarded. The scholarship selected 4 students who have studied martial arts for more than four years, and who have excellent performance and contribution in martial arts, and whose average academic achievement is above B. Luo Chien Li, president of Wu Martial Arts Association, the founder of the scholarship, said that in order to encourage overseas youth to learn Chinese culture and Chinese martial arts, a foundation was set up to provide martial arts students with encouragement and support.
Currently, two winners are awarded each year. $1,000 award; two winners, each $500 award.
第五屆「宏武傑出青年獎學金」頒獎典禮於2018年4月7日上午在 Westchase Marriott 舉辦,共有2名學生 Kelly Tseng and Sara Tin-U 獲獎,該獎學金每年選拔4名學習武術四年以上,在武術有優良表現及貢獻,學業成績平均在B以上的就學學生。
獎學金創辦人宏武協會會長吳而立表示,為鼓勵海外青年學習中華文化及中華武術功夫,特別成立基金會,提供習武的青年學生鼓勵及獎助,目前每年獎助2名得獎者,每名1000元的獎助; 2名優勝者, 每名500元的獎助.
2018 宏武傑出青年獎學金得獎者:
2018 Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship recipients:
Kelly Tseng – University of Texas, Austin - Wu Martial Arts Association, Houston, TX
Sara Tin-U – University of Texas, Austin - Houston Shaolin Kung Fu Academy - Houston, TX

2017 宏武傑出青年獎學金得獎者:
2017 Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship recipients:
Cheryl Pai – Baylor University - International Shaolin Wushu Center -Houston, TX
Joshua Gao – Memorial High School (A & M University) - International Shaolin Wushu Center - Houston, TX
2017 宏武傑出青年獎學金優勝者:
2017 Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Young Scholarship Winner Honorable mention:
Lucy Haigan – The University of TX Dallas - Lee's White Leopard Kung Fu - The Colony, TX
Jeffson Atienza – University of Houston - American Shaolin Kung Fu - Houston, TX

2016 宏武傑出青年獎學金得獎者:
2016 Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship recipients:
Darren Raposas - New York
Andy Liu - Louisiana

2015 宏武傑出青年獎學金得獎者:
2015 Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship recipients:
Dana Chen - Louisiana
Chris Le - Texas

2014 宏武傑出青年獎學金得獎者:
2014 Wu Martial Arts Outstanding Youth Scholarship recipients:
Melanie Kwok
Kaiser Tin-U - Texas